‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

West Wittering Parochial Church of England Primary School

Who Are We?
Welcome to West Wittering Parochial CE Primary School. We are a voluntary controlled local authority school located just 6 miles south of Chichester.
What is so special about out school you might ask? The common answers from our families are:
"We are a beach school and our children take their learning to the beach."
"The school is small and incredibly nurturing, they really know each child as an individual and do what they can to support them."
"It is such a friendly, kind and caring school and the children get so many opportunities."
Well don't just take our word for it, give us a call to arrange a tour and you can see for yourself what type of school we are.

Our School in numbers
School Capacity of 105 Pupils
4 Classes
190 School Days a year
9 Teachers
8 Teaching Assistants
School Day 08:40 - 15:15
Approx 30 per class
6 school councillors
2 Year groups per class
5 Collective Worships per week

How to find out more
Contact the school office:
01243 513015
Chat to us on the school gate in the morning or after school
Check out the website - navigate using the buttons above.
Take a look at our Instagram page to see learning in action. Just search for @Westwitschool and 'Follow' us to stay up to date with all we are doing.
Look out for school open days and community events.
Talk to our parents, they know us really well!