‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3
COvid-19 Remote Learning
This page contains everything that you need to know about COVID 19 and our school. As a school we have taken lots of safety measures to ensure that your child is safe in school. In order to keep everyone safe we are asking that parents and children follow some steps for safety:
Children will not be sent to school if they are showing any COVID symptoms
Parents and children will self-isolate if required to do so by guidance
Parents will only come to the approved drop off locations at their allocated time
Parents will not cross the line in the drop-off location
Children will remain in their class bubble only, they will not cross into other bubbles
Parents and visitors are only permitted into school if it is absolutely necessary
Children will continue with the hand washing regime that we have been following since lockdown
Classrooms will be cleaned twice daily, at break and lunch
Children will only bring in what is absolutely necessary, no toys from home
No school rucksacks, only drawstring bags approved please
Children will only use their assigned toilet
Good respiratory hygiene will be followed at all times
We please ask that all adults and children follow the above rules, and any other instructions given out by the school.
Home Learning:
We recognise that there are going to be times when children cannot be in school due to COVID-19. These times are:
If a child has Covid symptoms and they are awaiting a test/result and they are self-isolating
If someone else in the household has symptoms as this requires all members to self-isolate
If your child, or someone in the house tests positive for Covid
If your child is told to self-isolate as a direct result of a positive Covid case in school
During these times it is very possible that the children may feel fine / be fine and so they could be doing some home learning. The government now require us to provide home learning work for them in order for them to continue learning at home, so they are not disadvantaged any further. This work is optional, it is recommended to be completed if your child is well, but it is not compulsory.
Unlike during lockdown, the work that is being set its directly linked to what the children are learning in class and will be broken down into two distinct phases:
Phase One: This is the first 1-2 days of being off waiting for test results
Phase Two: This is if the children are told to self-isolate for the full two week period (or 10 days if they have symptoms themselves).
Phase One:
Teachers in the school have put together the following booklets which contain work that matches up with what is happening in class, focusing on the same topic. These can be downloaded below and the children can work through these. For Key Stage 1 and 2 they contain an English project, which is well detailed, maths work and a topic learning grid (which you will be familiar with from Lock Down). For Reception, it contains links to different areas of EYFS learning.
Download Your Home Learning Packs Here​
(Additional Maths resource – Sycamore Maths Resources for Parents)
These packs are for use if you would like them and only if the children are well enough. We have designed them to take some of the stress out of home learning and but they may require a little adult support at times. Please feel free to download and use them as you wish. These will not be marked by teachers as it is a stop gap during the test window and children hopefully will be back very quickly.
Phase 2:
Should your child be off for a positive case, whether it is with themselves, someone in the family, through a school self-isolation or Lock Down, we will have more up to date teaching. In this case the children will need to access Microsoft Teams daily to see their work. The work will directly mirror what they are missing in school, what other children are doing, it is very bespoke and Videos and instructions will be posted on Teams daily for parents to use daily. Work will be marked by teachers and children will post their work on Teams at agreed times. There will be good communication between home and school using Teams. A new Teams page will be released if this happens.
This is obviously only for children who are well enough to complete home learning, if your child is unwell then they need to rest and should not worry about work.
School Closure:
In the event that the Government closes the schools down then all children, with the exception of those that are on the school vulnerable register, or those whom have critical worker parents, will be sent to work from home on 'Remote Learning'. If/when this happens, the school will issue daily learning assignments, either pre-recorded or live, to parents and children via Microsoft Teams. Please look out for information directly from the school on this. The children whom still attend school will be completing exactly the same tasks, predominately in exactly the same way, but under the supervision of school staff. Places will only be available for those identified above who have no other means of childcare, as after all, we are trying to reduce numbers to keep everyone safe.
For families on Free School Meal support, vouchers will be issued directly for parents to use at the local supermarkets. If you have any issues with these then please contact Katy in the office.
Our curriculum offer will rely on internet access at home, should this be problematic then please see Mr Matthews, as we can lend out laptops and WIFI dongles should the need arise.
Please note, we are doing most lessons through remote pre-recorded sessions, as this allows greatest flexibilities for families, and does not require children to be online at a specific time. However, we will be experimenting with other ways of teaching and so this may vary from time to time.