‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

Here at West Wittering we are a Voluntarily Controlled Church of England school in the Diocese of Chichester, maintained by West Sussex Local Education Authority.
Our school prides itself on our distinctively Christian education for all children aged 4+ to 11 years, with priority being given to children who live and worship within the ecclesiastic parish of West Wittering. If you are thinking about joining our school then we warmly welcome you to book a school tour with either the headteacher, or a member of our office team. Please contact the school directly to arrange this.
As a school we have an intake of 15 children in each year group, with classes generally being comprised of two year groups per class in Key Stage 2, whilst in Key stage one, we have a Yr R/1 mix and a Yr 1/2 mix, both being slightly smaller classes.
West Sussex County Council sets the admissions policy and information about applying for a school place and the WSCC policy can be found here. Applications for a school place, whether 'starting school' for the first time, or an in-year transfer between schools, must be made directly through the West Sussex County Council Admissions Team.
If you wish to find out more about school admission arrangements you can click here, or if you wish to find out the school catchment area then please click this link and add the postcode of the school PO20 8AJ to see if you are in our catchment.
Admissions, in-year transfers, over subscriptions and waiting lists for West Wittering are dealt solely through the LEA.
Should you not be successful in securing a place for your child at our school then you are entitled to appeal, please check this website for more information about the process.
Contact Details:
Area Education Office (South)
Pupil Admissions Office
Centenary House
Durrington Lane
West Sussex
BN13 2QB.
Telephone 03330 142903
Fax (01903) 839214