‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

There is no such thing as a typical school day, as no two days are the same, but there are some similarities in terms of the structure of the day. Below you will see two examples of what a day may look like.
Typical School Day: Key Stage One
08:40 - Registration - start of the day activities
09:00 - English Lesson
10:10 - Breaktime
10:30 - Maths lesson
11:30 - Guided Reading
12:00 - Lunchtime
12:50 - Registration and Collective Worship
13:20 - Computing
14:15 - Topic Lesson
15:15 - Home time
Please note lessons vary on each day
The above illustrates rough timings for any given day. We offer a full, broad and balanced curriculum and so you will see a whole range of subjects on offer from PE to Science, from English to STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths), from Topic to PSHE & RHE.
Children in EYFS have a slightly less structured timetable, they have key breaks as above but the curriculum is delivered much more through self-initiated learning and continuous provision, which is much more effective at this developmental point in learning. The children here enjoy a play based learning approach and their environment provides this, enabling them to live out their learning in a whole host of different situations.
The School Day
Typical School Day: Key Stage Two
08:40 - Registration - start of the day activities
09:00 - Teaching session One
10:10 - Breaktime
10:30 - Teaching session Two
12:00 - Lunchtime
12:50 - Registration and Collective Worship
13:20 - Teaching session Three
14:20 - Teaching session Four
15:15 - Home time
Please note a teaching session may
not be a full hour, it could be more or less time.