‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3
Community Fundraising
This year, with the impact of COVID-19 closing down our school for two periods of learning, we have been more in need of fundraising than ever. For many of our children, they have had their education severely impacted by two school closures, which for many has meant that they have only been in school for 17 weeks in the past year, rather than the 39 they would normally be. This has certainly affected the education that our children have experienced. Whilst the government has acknowledged that there has been a lot of 'lost learning', the financial support that schools are being offered to help 'Catch up' is insignificant.
As a Governing Body, we went out into our community in search of additional fundraising to help us to be able to offer an excellent package of support to our children when they returned to school. The document below outlines the proposed plan for this fundraising. You will also be able to see below how well we have done.
If you are able and willing to donate to our fundraising then you may do so by BACS transfer to the following account:
Friends & FPTA of West Wittering Parochial CE Primary School
Account no: 60779482 Sort Code: 202062
Don't forget Gift Aid, we get an extra 25% back. Thank you.

We have been so touched by the kindness and generosity of our local community. We have now surpassed our initial target of £28,000 after lockdown one and with the recent second lockdown have decided to continue to raise funds and have set a new target of £40,000 to ensure that we can give our children as much support as possible.
Next steps:
Our tutors are in school working with our children and supporting them, we are now looking at additional training for staff in a range of areas in supporting reading. We have trained staff who are ready to deliver our new National Early Language Intervention (NELI). We are also looking at how we can use this funding to deliver a more effective curriculum in English and have some exciting plans here. With this additional funding we will now be able to continue the support that we have in place into the next academic year.