‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

We provide inspirational opportunities for all children to value the unique rewards offered by computing and the joy of solving problems or being creative using modern technology and innovations.
The computing curriculum is incredibly important for preparing children for their future careers in a world where technology is rapidly advancing. We aim to prepare children to use technology safely and responsibly.
We aim to equip children with the life-long thinking skills, the technological approach, an appreciation of the benefits of computers and even a love for computing to keep with them through secondary school and beyond.

Technology in School
Here are some of the hardware technologies we have available in our school:
20 Lenovo Thinkpad Laptops
34 Chromebooks
16 Ipads
16 Amazon kindles
10 Desktop PCs
1 Apple mac
Apple TV / Visualisers in every classroom and the hall
Interactive Whiteboards in every classroom
Several devices such as beebots, probots, 'makey makey's, Microbits
Wireless Microscopes
Oculus Go and Oculus Quest Virtual Reality Headsets

Computing Curriculum:
Our computing curriculum is made up of three main components, Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Programming. These units are taught across KS1 and KS2 and the our curriculum is designed to be very hands on, giving children lots of experience with using technology from writing basic algorithms, through to coding and game design in upper KS2. An integral part of our computing curriculum is eSafety and the children complete termly lessons, looking at their understanding of how to keep themselves safe online. These lessons closely follow the National Online Safety programme and are paramount to ensuring that our young users of technology are aware of the potential risks of accessing online content.


Our Computing Curriculum
This documents outlines when we teach different computing skills, covering and exceeding the requirements of the National Curriculum:

Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a creative online space from 2Simple. Purple Mash hosts a wide variety of curriculum focused activities, creative tools, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning. As Purple Mash is online, children can continue their learning anywhere and anytime. Each user receives an individual login to save and retrieve their work.
Every child has their own username and password. Please see the class teacher for support with this.
Acceptable Use Policy​
All children and adults read, agree and sign up to our Acceptable Use policy to help keep everyone safe. You can download it with this link on the right.