‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

Vision & Values

Our core values and learner tools are at the root of all that we do at school in order to provide an educational setting for children to ENJOY  learning and life in all it’s fullness, ACHIEVE their potential by aiming high and ASPIRE to explore all opportunities and be the best person that they can be.
Our Christian beliefs emanate through all that we do here, from the way that OUR curriculum is designed to meet the needs of all our learners, to enable EVERY learner to succeed, through to the targeted way that we instil the love of God in worship and the concept of loving thy neighbour through our behaviours. We embrace the school as being part of our community and the way we set expectations, engage and support both our children, and families, reflects this. As a school we are all God’s children and as such we value, dignity and respect, promoting individual beliefs, talents and the needs of each and every child.
Modern day technologies, a growth mindset and a good understanding of metacognition are just part of our curriculum offer, supporting children to become equipped with the learner tools and skills that they need to become life-long learners. They are given a enriched, broad and balanced curriculum that enables them to take risks, be challenged and provides opportunities to excel both inside and out of the classroom.
If you would like to learn more about our staff and our school you can download a copy of our prospectus. Please click here to see our current prospectus.