‘Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not whither; whatever they do prospers. ’ Psalms 1:3

Virtual School Tour
We are blessed with a beautiful school surrounded by one of God's Outstanding Areas of Natural Beauty. With a nature reserve opposite, the beach 800m away and our stunning church St Peter & St Paul's within 10 seconds, we really have it all. We have a school made of both historic parts, along with modern classrooms, with a library, cooking room and very importantly, our own outdoor pool! What more could our children want?
Visitors to the school are warmly welcomed, please just give us a call and book an appointment with the office. However, sometimes you might not want to wait, so we have put together a virtual tour for you to see our school and what it really looks like, along with a list of pictures across the website that will help you understand the feeling and ethos of the school. Check out our school virtual tour below.
Sadly the tour was taken on a rather wet and horrible day, so please check out the photo library below to see some of our current playground and outside area shots.